Monday, January 3, 2011

Who am I?

Do you ever feel like you have lost yourself? Everybody at some time or another feels like the "real" person they are supposed to be is hidden somewhere. I firmly believe that moms definitely fall into this trap because we so often end up putting ourselves at the bottom of the "to-do" list.
Sometimes I personally want to rebel against this. I get so tired of being me and _______(fill in the blank). I just want to be me. I know that I can't do that all of the time....but now and again would be nice.
I started crying last night because I didn't want to have to be me and _______ anymore. I just wanted to be me, nothing more. Then I cried even harder because I am not sure who I am really anymore. I have worn so many hats that I'm not sure I know who I am without them.
I guess I need to figure that out.

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