Monday, December 27, 2010

And so begins the rest of my life...

This past year has been an extremely rough year. I know that many out in the world can relate, because from what I hear on the news, Internet, not to mention the people in my own life....this year has had (and still has for some) many trials.

I lost my job this last did my husband. I had some medical issues. Finances are still in shambles. There were times I wondered if I would break under all of the pressure. I may have cracked a little but I haven't broken.

One thing that has come from all of this chaos is I have fully examined my life......all of the blessings, the curses, the trials, and the triumphs. I do not think that many people have actually set out and fully examined their life. If the reflect on their life at all it tends to be a surface or cursory examination. People are so caught up in what the world tells them they need to be healthy and happy; that they don't listen to their own heart and body. Worse yet....we fail to nourish our soul when we pursue "happiness."

So here begins my journey.......I am overweight, my family is struggling financially, I lost my career which I invested over a decade in, I have had to let go of many of my "life dreams." Society tells me that I should be a miserable broken person. But I'm not....I'm weary at times and sometimes worn down....but I am still here and I refuse to fade into that good night. I have been told for so long what I should want, what beauty should be, what happiness looks like. I refuse to listen to the world. I am ready to discover health, happiness, beauty, and success on my own terms.

Here I am world!!! I am taking the first step of my OWN journey, not yours!

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