Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What is beauty?

Historically, throughout nature there is a proportion that seems to denote better health and aesthetic beauty. This is referred to as the "Golden Ratio." Mathematically this ratio can be expressed as 1.61803399.

This ratio reappears in plants and animals over and over again. Humans are no different. DaVinci showed what an "ideal" man should be in his Vitruvian Man (pictured left). Throughout the years many studies have proven over and over again that men find women whose hip to waist ratio is close to the Golden Ratio as more attractive.

Now I would like to take this moment to point out that it was the ratio and not the size of the girl that had men labeling images of women as more attractive. So why do we women put so much pressure on ourselves to be "thin"? Concepts of beauty change over time. The Italian Renaissance wanted women who looked pregnant. Before the industrial revolution pleasantly plump women were the preferred beauty because it meant you could afford food, but weren't lazy. Even Marilyn Monroe one of this century's undisputed great beauties wore a size 12 on average; which by today's rigorous standards would have her as over weight. I wear either a 14-16 dress size; just a couple of dress sizes different from that famous beauty; but I have been told by medical professionals that I am morbidly obese.

I have always been bigger than society's "ideal." That didn't really bother me until recently. While it is annoying to try and find clothes that fit large hips and bust when you have a relatively small waist, I still felt good physically. I am now at the heaviest I have ever been. 210 lbs. But even with that my measurements don't have me that far off of the "Golden Ratio." Do I want to lose weight? Yes.....but not because I need society's approval. I want to lose the weight because I am getting the aches and pains that come with the extra weight. I want to be able to keep up with my beautiful children.

I don't want to be single digit sizes.....I happen to like my curves. But I want to be healthy. So here in front of the Internet and everyone I am taking my first steps towards better health. I'm a busy mom, my family is on a tight budget. I am going to find healthy habits that work for a real life mother and family. Please help keep me accountable. Offer advice or resources if you have any.

Starting Stats:

weight: 210 lbs


44.5 in. bust

39.5 in waist

48.5 in hips

28.5 in thighs

15.5 in upper arm

running: 50 yards before really winded

push-ups: 10

Forward into health!!!!

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